Entrusted with a Child's Heart
What if parenting biblically didn't feel so confusing?
Let us help you sort through all the advice and wisdom coming at you and help you discern what God's Word really says.
A subscription to Entrusted with a Child’s Heart (Latest Edition) includes access for one year to 20 digital video lessons, plus 6 weeks of recommended community-building weeks, and is most effectively used within a small group format. This study for moms is designed to equip you—no matter your age or the stage of your children—to create a loving family life based on the truth of God’s Word. Find hope and direction as you begin to learn biblical solutions for parenting. Each week theological meets practical with examples of sound biblical teaching applied to everyday life. Gain confidence and timeless wisdom as you listen to practical teaching from seasoned mom and Bible teacher, Betsy Corning. Then make new friends and receive encouragement from your time with other moms during Small Group Time.
To make this valuable series accessible to as many groups as possible, we are now offering the study at its lowest price ever! You can now gain access to the 20 hour-long videos for one year for only $150! We can't wait to partner with you to bring glory to God in homes across the globe!
Ministry Leaders: An in-depth, interactive Leadership Training Manual PDF is provided with your purchase. We will take you and your leadership team through it at one of our Leadership Training Days, held preferably in the Chicago area or—because we’ve been known to bend over backwards to help!—in a group online video session. This investment of time has proven to be very effective for getting your ministry year off to the best start!

- 20 Streaming Video Teaching Lessons
- Scripture Memory Program and Resources (includes Scripture memory songs and wallpapers for mobile devices)
- Notebook Lessons include the following four features:
- Small Group Time discussion and prayer guides
- Ideal Meets Real personal application page
- Homefront Application guides for implementing principles with husbands
- Family Activity Pages and various other resources
- Because women refer back to these Notebooks often after the study, a Mom's Ministry Notebook is required for each participant. These bound notebooks are full-color and over 350 pages long. They now come with a packet of Scripture Memory cards in pouch to aid women in memorizing the Scripture Memory for each lesson. The cost of the preprinted and bound Mom's Ministry Notebook is ($50).
- Scripture memory Songs — free with purchase of study

We want to make it as accessible as possible to churches and home groups alike, and we hope this change paves the way.
Ready to lock in our lowest price ever?!
It will take several steps to create your account before you log in to access your purchase.
1. We've written a clear guide to take you through this process. Trust us, it's so much better with a little hand-holding! Click below to open the direction guide in a new tab.
step by step we'll lead you2. Click on the "Subscribe Now" button below to create an account. Don't forget: you will need to come back here after you activate your account and click again!
Tried and True Tip: If you ever get stuck after your account is created and the videos purchased, go the main menu and log out. Our website loves a fresh start, and it helps if you log back in.

An essential component for the Entrusted with a Child’s Heart Program is the Mom’s Ministry Notebook ($50). These bound notebooks are full-color and over 350 pages long. They serve as a listening guide for women as they watch the video lessons, a resource to record discussions with husbands, a place for reflection, a discussion guide during Small Group Time, and a reference for years to come! We’ve heard countless testimonies of how often these are utilized after the class has ended! To ensure you are on your way in memorizing each week’s verse, we’ve now included a helpful packet of Scripture Memory cards with each notebook.
Important: Please check to make sure your group has subscribed to the Video Series before you order. We want to make sure this resource is used with those lessons, so we will wait to ship your order until that happens. You will need to include the name of the group or church where you are participating. However, if you are considering beginning an Entrusted with A Child’s Heart group and are purchasing this notebook to preview it, please note that in the checkout process and we’ll get it in the mail right away!

Every Day Before You Say Chart Pack
While there are no magic wands in parenting, there are tips and tricks that turn out to be pure gold, and this is one of them. With consistency and faithfulness, The Every Day Before You Say Chart can be key to establishing healthy life disciplines.
These chart packs are printed on high-quality 11" x 17" paper and will last for two years—there's even an extra chart just in case! Tear one off and use each month to get the kids growing in initiative and character!
This helpful system was the topic of an entire episode on the Again podcast. Click below to hear Betsy and Stephanie on Episode 14, 'Repeating Yourself Again and Again? You might need the "Every Day Before You Say Chart"'!
hear the tips & tricks
And how about those Little Ones?
While mothers are receiving the teaching of Entrusted with a Child’s Heart, we want to make the most of this opportunity to reinforce the same principles in their children. So…after several years in the making…we have launched Troopers! It is to be used with children who attend with their moms (ages 2-6, but works well with older homeschool attenders as well) in conjunction with the Mom’s Ministry Program. It purposefully incorporates foundational theology in an age-appropriate manner. Children learn the same verses as their mom—often more quickly!—and there are crafts and activities to tie it all together! The lessons are condensed to simple truths that kids can contain, captured in the Troopers Bible Adventure Passport. Trust us, it’s cute enough for the memory bin! This program is in interactive PDF format.
- Foundational Theological Truths
- Bible History
- Scripture Memory
- Troopers Bible Adventure Passport Time
- Craft Time
- Movement Time
- Coordinating Activities
- Take Home Pages
- Leaders may use the Troopers Manual PDF to print coloring pages, craft components, take home pages, or portions of the lessons for Trooper teachers. Each lesson contains interactive text fields for time and leader according to how the workload is being shared. Preprinted and bound Troopers Manuals ($65) are available for purchase separately, once the Troopers program has been purchased. Information regarding purchasing these manuals is included with the purchase of the Troopers Digital Format.

Passports are a key part of the program. They are required for each child but are purchased separately. Each Troopers Bible Adventure Passport comes with a complete set of 20 Passport Stickers.
$8 each

Couple's Study
Does Dad want to get in on the action?
Entrusted with a Child’s Heart (Book Study) includes the gospel message, laying a biblical foundation of faith, establishing biblical and personal convictions, learning to live in Understanding and Agreement as husband and wife, creating order in your home, building strong character in your children, teaching kids to make wise choices, dealing with manipulation and rebellion, fostering spiritual disciplines and more.

Get The Word Out
Are sermon notes falling out of your Bible? We've been there before, and we know just how to help!
Who: You! This Bible-reading system is for individuals, groups, men or women! Whether you're chasing toddlers, enjoying a season of retirement, or any season in-between, you'll be able to tailor these tools to work for you!
What: This one-of-a-kind resource contains over 1,000 pages to enjoy and eighteen tools to utilize. When you purchase Get the Word Out, you'll receive three 8.5 in. x by 11 in. books to document your most insightful biblical research. You'll feel more organized, which will help you locate and recall all you've learned in the Word. Not only will you receive the three physical books, you'll also receive the digital links to print out any of the pages. Trust us—when you find your favorite tools, you'll want to fill pages and pages!
Why: Because there is nothing greater you can do than pursue Jesus Christ! And when you do, you'll want to have a system to organize all you learn. If notes are falling out of your Bible and your study journals abound, let us help you streamline with the GTWO system.
How: We're so glad you asked! Click below on "All the Details" to get the full-scoop or "Add to Cart" if you're ready to roll!
Get The Word Out provides an endless and exciting journey into God’s revelation of Himself to us with a systematic plan to understand the entirety of His Word. After studying like this, you won't be able to resist making it a lifelong focus of devotion! This study is designed to help you (this means men and women, groups or individuals) develop a devotional lifestyle. As you complete the Bible readings and do the corresponding exercises you will gain a deeper understanding of the precious truths of God’s Word and be transformed by them.
Are you longing to be refreshed in the Word? To go deeper in your personal walk with the Lord? Many desire the discipline of a daily devotional time but lack consistency... and that’s why we want to help you have a plan to persevere! GTWO meets your desire to be in the Word consistently in such a way that we glean directly from it.
Don’t be afraid of your Bible. Let’s dig in together to “develop a devotional life”!
The GTWO Set includes 3 books: Old Testament, New Testament, and Worksheet Workbook.
These 8.5 in. x 11 in. books contain over 1,100 pages of worksheets for your personal Bible study.
You'll also receive a link to the digital files inside the Worksheet Workbook so you are able to print out any additional pages! Trust us—when you find your favorite tool, you'll want more and more pages to fill!
Get the Word Out was developed by Dave and Betsy Corning over decades of ministry and personal time in the Word. What they have observed as the greatest needs for discipleship and spiritual growth have been combined into a program for Developing a Devotional Lifestyle. We say lifestyle because GTWO offers a plan which can be followed for life while organizing that learning in the most efficient, transformative, and resourceful way.
Because there is always a plan, the program does not collapse if someone is unable to do it for a while, for whatever reason. But the goal is to help that person grow into a love for the Lord and His Word so that they desire to be consistent. The more they put into their devotional life, the greater fruit that will be seen which only creates greater excitement to continue!

GTWO incorporates eighteen learning tools, the first two being Reading the Word and Prayer. A favorite tends to be the SPCAs —Scripture/Principle/Conviction/Application — which leads participants to apply the Word of God to their lives more than ever before. Highlighting and organizing themes and sub-themes are taught as well. The program also provides three chronological reading schedules — 1-year, 2-year, or 3-year, to best suit the pace of the participants.

An important distinctive of GTWO is that it organizes the disciple’s own work and therefore they are more impassioned about it, convicted by it, and eager to share it. The goal is that their body of work would be a useful resource for personal reference, providing counsel, discipling others, and possibly developing skills in future church leaders by learning to use the material to structure workshops, for example. A main tool in this regard is the Condensed Topical Study.
Beginners excel when they are able to meet in a group setting. Participants share key exercises from their devotions and see how the Holy Spirit is working in them and teaching them individually, although they are all reading the same passages. This is an especially exciting feature of GTWO.
So, what are you waiting for? Get your Bible ready, get your group together, and.... GET THE WORD OUT!

We have devised some tips and tools to help you grasp some deeper themes of the Bible. One of these tools is the Color Chart. As you read, you will reference this 14-color guide to decide how to underline the verses you read. Reading about how God intervened to rescue His people? Get out your dark green! Reading a prophetic verse about the coming Messiah? Find your red for Jesus, and medium purple for prophecy! See a verse about imparting wisdom to your children, get out yellow for family, and perhaps dark pink for righteous choices. The plan is to see Christ more clearly in the Scriptures and to notice themes as you read the Word. Color Chart Bookmarks are a helpful tool for ministries to offer.